My memory of Toronto

Posted on 2014/09/19. Filed under: Canada, Multiculturalism, Muslims | Tags: , |

It has been almost 5 months since I moved to Vancouver from Toronto. As time goes by, my evaluation of Toronto is getting lower: very cold winters, strong anti-sentiments towards Americans, and no ocean. I especially recall one thing. I know that I will never return to Toronto.

In Toronto one night, I talked to a Japanese lady who was married to a Moroccan and had 2 children. We were talking about comfort women and the anti-sentiments Chinese people feel towards Japanese. I personally believe that Japan did wrong things to the Chinese and Korean women during the war, but I feel that it is not fair to not discuss anything about how China treats Tibet. The Japanese people have paid ODA to China for many years after WWII, which contributed to their economic growth. I told to her that we should criticize the Chinese policy on Tibet. She remained silent regarding the inhuman things done by the Chinese government. We continued talking, and then she suddenly started blaming the U.S. regarding the Guantanamo Bay detention camp.

In many Muslim countries, including her husband’s country, they have Rape marriage laws where a rapist is not guilty if he marries the victim.  In Morocco, a girl committed suicide several years ago because of this law. I did not tell her about this because I thought that she would be very shocked and might suffer from this story for many years to come. I would have told her though if she were a mean person, but unfortunately she is one of the most open-minded and sweetest Japanese women that I have met in Canada. I felt that way because many Japanese girls do not marry someone from Africa but she did.

People in Toronto bash the U.S., but they remain silent on other countries where the governments and cultures treat their own people poorly.  Toronto is a city of disappointment.

I started this blog because I was very sad for the fact that I could not return to San Francisco. Now, San Francisco is 3 hours away by flight from the place I currently live. I am looking forward to my visit to San Francisco for New Year’s Eve.

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