Is the world complicated?

Posted on 2011/01/07. Filed under: Multiculturalism | Tags: , |

Some people say that this world is complicated – I disagree. There are many viewpoints and opinions that seem to be confusing and contradictory, but these differences are not surprising if a number of human factors are considered.  To understand the world, one needs to understand people.

To learn about an individual one must consider gender, ethnicity, culture, socio-economic status and other life experiences. In my opinion, if these factors are known, it is easy to predict what viewpoints a person may hold.  Furthermore, I believe people are self-interested and will support ideas that serve his or her individual needs and desires.

In some countries, women are killed, injured or treated poorly. How is that some women actually support such cruel cultural practices?  This may be because:

a) they themselves are part of the elite and/or ruling class and support the culture which gives them position

b) many lack of information regarding human rights and other positive cultural norms

c) they think that submission is a virtue; they must obey the dominant values and morals in the culture

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The world is both complicated and simple simultaneously.
On the one hand, there are 7 billion people living life from thousands of cultures, religions, languages, etc and in contact with each other in this intertwined modern world. The Butterfly Effect can be seen, a shift in a small African Country no ones heard of can be a maker or breaker for a European nations economy. A single action from a single being can lead to a cause/effect that can help or hinder and entire government. All of it on one little blue sphere, under billions of stars, sitting in a mind boggling expanse.

On the other hand, everything in the universe can be summed up by Lyrics from a Tool song. “The Universe is Hostile, so Impersonal. Devour to Survive, so it is, so it’s always been.”…

Essentially… Life is what you make of it.

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